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Financial capability and financial planning at the verge of retirement age

Financial capability and financial planning at the verge of retirement age

저자 :  Nam, Y., Loibl, C.

발행연도(출간연도) : 2020년

저널명(출판사명) : Journal of Family and Economic Issues

권호사항(ISBN) :  42


Financial capability is an important public policy concern, particularly as it relates to retirement preparedness. Almost onethird of older adults in the United States, those over the age of 55, have neither retirement savings nor accumulated pension benefts. Focusing on low-income adults who are nearing retirement, we explore the relationship between fnancial-planning behaviors (paying bills on time, emergency savings, and retirement planning) and two key components of fnancial capability, fnancial education and fnancial inclusion. Using data from the 2015 National Financial Capability Study, the results point to the role of fnancial inclusion for fnancial-planning behaviors. Having access to mainstream fnancial services was more strongly associated with the three fnancial-planning behaviors than was participating in fnancial education in the workplace. These results for low-income older adults held for the middle-income groups but were weaker for higher-income households. The results highlight eforts targeting fnancial inclusion for the fnancial planning of low-income older adults nearing retirement age. Policy implications include suggestions for interventions to facilitate fnancial inclusion for those nearing retirement age.