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수요자와 공급자 대상 요구조사를 통한 장애인 치과주치의제도의 제안

수요자와 공급자 대상 요구조사를 통한 장애인 치과주치의제도의 제안

저자 :  김소연, 백혜란, 진보형, 이재영, 김지현, 김영재

발행연도(출간연도) : 2018년
저널명(출판사명) : 대한장애인치과학회지

권호사항(ISBN) :  14(2)


This study proposed a registered dentist model for the disabled based on consumer in-depth interview and supplier survey. This study proposed that dental clinics in the community take role as registered dentists for the disabled. Qualification screening and facility prerequisites are required to be selected as the registered dentists for the disabled and patients of the registered dentists were restricted to the disabled who can cooperate to dental treatment services with or without the aid of physical bondage. In order to encourage the participation in the program, subsidies for the registered dentists were necessary. Also, this study proposed financial supports for the medical expenses for patients at the same level as the current dental care center for the disabled. The registered dentist program for the disabled meets the needs of disabled consumers, such as accessibility of medical institutions, expertise of medical staff, and ongoing treatments with familiar medical staff. The registered dentist program for the disabled is expected to provide prevention and ongoing management for oral health promotion of disabled people and it also contribute to lower economic burden of oral health care of the disabled.