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소비자 간 거래 플랫폼에서의 신뢰의 구성과 형성요인

소비자 간 거래 플랫폼에서의 신뢰의 구성과 형성요인

저자 :  이보한, 나종연

발행연도(출간연도) : 2020년

저널명(출판사명) : 한국소비자학회

권호사항(ISBN) :  31(3)


소비자는 소비자 간 거래 플랫폼 사업자의 등장으로 빠르고 효율적인 거래를 할 수 있게 되었다. 플랫폼 사업자 가 흩어져있던 수요와 공급을 연결시켜주는 중개자로 위치함에 따라, 소비자의 시간적.경제적 비용이 절감되고, 거 래의 편의성이 증대되었다. 반면, 소비자 간 거래 플랫폼에서 소비자가 직접 제품이나 서비스를 판매할 수 있게 되 면서 비전문적 판매자에 의해 발생하는 거래 안전의 문제가 대두되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존의 논의에서 더 나 아가, 소비자 간 거래 플랫폼의 맥락에서 신뢰의 구성과 형성요인에 대해 체계적으로 접근하고자 하였다. 구체적으 로, 신뢰가 요구되는 상황적 맥락과 신뢰의 구성을 파악하고, 신뢰를 형성하기 위한 요인은 무엇인지 살펴보고자 하 였다. 이를 위하여 온라인 커뮤니티에서 수집한 질적 자료를 텍스트 마이닝 분석을 활용하여 소비자 간 거래 플랫 폼에서 신뢰의 상황적 맥락과 구성, 그리고 신뢰를 형성하는 요인을 파악하였다. 그 결과, 신뢰의 형성에 영향을 미 칠수있는요인으로는제도기반요인, 인지기반요인, 계산기반요인, 지식기반요인이도출되었다. 또한플랫 폼 유형에 따라 신뢰를 구성하는 요인에는 차이가 있음이 텍스트 네트워크 분석을 통해 나타났다. 특히, 신뢰의 대 상 간 관계에 차이가 두드러졌다. 마지막으로, 소비자 간 거래 플랫폼에서 신뢰의 구성과 형성요인 간의 관계는 플 랫폼 유형에 따라 유사점과 차이점이 존재하였다. 이와 같은 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구에서는 소비자 간 거래 플랫 폼에서의 신뢰는 특수성과 보편성을 모두 고려해야 하며, 소비자 간 거래 플랫폼에서의 신뢰를 구성하는 주체인 플 랫폼 사업자, 판매자, 소비자는 각각의 기대되는 역할이 존재한다는 것을 밝혔다.

C2C platforms enable consumers to trade quickly and efficiently. As platform providers are positioned as intermediaries that connect disparate supply and demand, consumers can easily locate the goods and services that they need and save time and money in the process, and the convenience of transactions are also increased. This study attempted to identify the context that requires trust and the composition of trust, and to examine the factors for building trust. Furthermore, this study tried to empirically demonstrate what role trust plays in C2C platforms. By analyzing what similarities and differences exist when trust is involved according to consumer’s roles and platform types, this study aimed to verify that the approach to trust can vary according to the behavior of consumers playing various roles and the nature of C2C platform. For this purpose, the qualitative data collected from the online community was analyzed by using text mining analysis to identify the context and composition of trust and the factors that can form trust in C2C platforms. In addition, the structure between the composition and determinants for building of trust was derived and comparative analysis was conducted according to the type of platform. The results are as follows: First, trust in a consumer-to-consumer platform consisted of trust between platform providers, sellers, and consumers. The factors that can influence the formation of trust were institutional- based factors, cognitive-based factors, calculation-based factors, and knowledge-based factors. The risks, uncertainties, and complexity of using the platform emerged as contexts that require trust. Second, text network analysis showed that there are differences in factors that constitute trust according to platform type. There was a significant difference in the relationship between the subjects trusted by consumers. Carrot Market, a second-hand goods platform, had the greatest degree centrality and betweenness centrality of trust in sellers, while Airbnb, a lodging sharing platform, showed great degree centrality and betweenness centrality of trust in platform providers. In addition, the betweenness centrality of trust among consumers was relatively higher in Airbnb than in Carrot Market. Third, In both Carrot Market and Airbnb, the link between trust in platform providers and institutional-based factors was quite strong. In both types of platforms, trust in sellers was linked to calculation-based factors. Lastly, trust among consumers had strong connections with cognitive-based factors. On the other hand, in the network analysis results of the Carrot Market, the calculation- based and knowledge-based factors were relatively close to the trust in the three subjects and the connection strength with the trust in the seller was very strong. In contrast, Airbnb’s network analysis showed that institution-based factors and cognitive-based factors were close to trust in the three subjects, centered on trust in three subjects, and strongly linked to trust in platform providers. These results implied that trust in C2C platforms must consider both specificity and universality. Platform providers, sellers, and consumers, who constitute trust in the C2C platforms, have respective expected roles. In C2C platforms, the importance of consumers who play various roles was emphasized to build trust in C2C platforms. And since the effect of trust and the method of forming trust in C2C platforms vary depending on the type of platform, it is necessary to understand the nature of the platform.