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장애인의 구강건강권 확립을 위한 구강의료 서비스 전달 시스템 개발

저자 :  김소연, 백혜란, 진보형, 이재영, 김지현, 김영재

발행연도(출간연도) : 2018년

저널명(출판사명) : 대한장애인치과학회지

권호사항(ISBN) :  14(2)


The need for oral health rights for people with disabilities is very high, and current oral health care system does not fully reflect these demands. Efforts to promote oral health of people with disabilities are urgently needed. In order for the disabled to have oral health rights, access to oral health services for people with disabilities should be improved and barriers to access should be resolved. In this study, we propose oral health service delivery system to guarantee oral health rights for the disabled. In addition, before applying the proposed oral medical delivery system, the external effects of the system application were predicted and the expert verification was conducted to find out the solution. There are some controversies about the development of the service delivery system proposed in this study. As a result of the expert verification, there were disagreements about the suitability of the service provider, the suitability of the service recipient, the appropriateness of the service content and scope, and the appropriateness of the cost and the revenue source. Subsequent Delphi surveys require the development of structured questionnaires for discussions that require consensus. It is expected that a reasonable consensus of expert opinions will be derived.